Hi everyone,( I found this is drafts and thought I had lost it. somesay I will really understand this blogspot thing. so I may go ahead and post this and hope I haven't said it all again and repeated myself. If so just ignore it and please be patient with my rambling) I have already written in Jan and this will be in the wrong place so forgive me please.
today is Dec. 4th Tuesday. Since December has started there is much more going on here preparing for Christmas and all that goes on here at the PCC. I always want you to go to their official site and see the latest happenings as I believe they announce events. this coming Friday we start the Christmas Lagoon just like we had in Oct. for Halloween. that brought in thousands of people from just about everywhere. Hundreds of locals and of course students from here and also lots of adults were involved in that. It was a huge undertaking and again this Christmas it will be a huge undertaking.
There will be the story of Christmas told and much music. There will be animals like sheep and goats and who knows what all, I can't wait to find out. This evening there will be a dress rehearsal with everyone. Gloria and I and the Ballams have been asked to participate by having our own special place we will be singing Silent night with our Ukulele's. we got one that can hook into a sound system and we will have mikes. We are singing Silent Night all night long every time a huge canoe (holds 30 people) goes by so that will be kind of hard. I don't know how many hours that will be. I think it is three nights the first week and the second and then goes every night but Sunday. However we have other responsibilities like singing at the visitors centor one night and Family Home Evenings we are singing for as we did last night. It was wonderful to be involved last night for we have over 60 Senior missionaries here right now and they were pretty much all there last night. One of my roommates Janice Boise is here on a mission turning every VHS into DVD's and has re-filmed the night show called the Breath of Life. they will sell that at the show like they have been doing for years only she has made it significantly better. It is basically the Plan of Salvation ad it is done incredibly well. I have seen it twice now and like to see it when people come to visit if I can get away.
Brother Stotts wife and sister and daughter and Mom came to visit the PCC a short time ago and I was able to have dinner with them and have a nice visit. It was so great to see them all, such fun and I think they really enjoyed themselves.
So last night Janice had put video to music of the tab. choir and also Breath of Heaven by amy Grant was playing while the new film the church has put out on the birth of the Savior. It was really beautiful and she made us all copies. there is live narration and she sang the opening song Were You there and she asked me to sing Candlelight Carol. I was thrilled she included me and Michael Ballam played for me and that was fun. I believe I mentioned before his son Ben is here on a 9 month mission and they are here for him. However they are being kept very very busy. their family will put on an evening for the missionaries as well as at the visitors Center and all of us missionaries will also put on a program at the visitors Center. I am doing a trio with friends as well as a solo, not sure which one yet. I am planning on doing Heirlooms at the next Monday night Fireside as well as a trio. Weill be more fun. Last week I sang a duet with Michael for the women of BYUH and he told the history of Christmas and I learned things I had never heard. We sang Starbright since it was written by the Uncle of the President of the University Loren Wheelright. So that was fun too.
Well, I guess I had better get going and this is getting a bit long. I am going to try and attach a picture of me taken with President Orgil. He is the current President of the PCC and has been here for 12 years. He has just recently been informed that he is going to be released in Feb. and he and his wife will be called as new mission Presidents somewhere in the world but they don't know where yet. He is an amazing man and his wife is wonderful as well, they will bless anywhere they go.
I love you all and would love to hear from you at brendalwoods12@gmail.com. I can't figure out this blog thing and how to get comments. Dumb huh?
Love, Brenda and God bless you all.
Wish I could have seen your event